Forensic uncertainty, fragile remains, and DNA as a panacea: an ethnographic observation of the challenges in twenty‐first‐century Disaster Victim Identification



This is an account of ethnographic research examining the specialist scientific processes known as ‘Disaster Victim Identification’ (DVI) in three settings: Québec, United States, and Kingdom. In cases multiple deaths, a series actions accompanied by plethora tools are often invoked, housed at disaster scene, forensic laboratories, family assistance centre, mortuary. this article, I examine process dedicated to connecting biological remains deceased with confirmed validation personhood. describe situation where responders/scientists will attempt testing re-testing human remains, pushing boundaries available science. argue that search for certainty identification lies heart activation DVI processes, particularly when it connected DNA testing. Observing intimate settings bricolage anthropologist's labour has allowed me track production science identity. then reflect on wider implications these observations affected communities responding scientists. Finally, there complexity ambivalence surrounding increased use technologies applied victims. Incertitude médicolégale, vestiges fragiles, et l'ADN comme panacée : observation ethnographique des difficultés de l'identification victimes catastrophes au XXIe siècle Résumé L'autrice rapporte une recherche portant sur les processus scientifiques spécialisés regroupés sous le nom d’identification catastrophe (IVC), dans trois contextes aux États-Unis Royaume-Uni. En cas d’événement causant la mort nombreuses personnes, série d'actions est mise en branle pléthore d'outils employée lieu catastrophe, laboratoires médecine légale, centres soutien familles chapelles ardentes. ici un dont but faire lien entre dépouille biologique d'une personne décédée confirmée sa personnalité. Elle décrit laquelle sauveteurs testent à multiples reprises restes humains, repoussant souvent limites méthodes ils disposent. avance que certaine, notamment par tests d'ADN, cœur d'IVC activés. Par l'observation cadres médicolégaux intimes du qu'est travail anthropologues forensiques, l'autrice pu retracer l'identité. étend ensuite réflexion plus larges ces pour communautés affectées intervenants. Enfin, elle fait remarquer complexité l'ambivalence entourant l'usage accru technologie victimes. When major incidents cause key priority responders, course families missing, identify deceased.1 Depending incident, bodies can be subjected extreme forces. The body become dismembered, burned, fragmented, totemically evidenced scenes after terrorist attacks across States 11 September 2001 (9/11) (Mundorff 2009; Simpson & Stehr 2004; Toom 2016). such cases, referred invoked. number fatalities exceeds existing mortuary capacity questions surround identities those who have fallen victim events, decision implement both operational political one allows access additional resources expertise. There been criticism expensive resource-intensive assets more likely deployed Western, socio-technical2 disasters, leaving loss poorer nations under-resourced. It also true say that, all death practices, actual may many cultural geographical specificities.3 operations continuously evolving structured Interpol steering group's resolutions detailed guidance documents (Interpol 2021; Scanlon 2007). Carrying out any 1944 member states usually involves team police assigned oversee gathering evidence directed lead investigator, working alongside scientists including pathologists, anthropologists, odontologists, aim identifying dead 2021). have, responder adviser, involved practices two decades uniquely placed observe influence its practice. Kingdom, Police Senior Identification Manager (SIM) charged identity behalf Coroners England, Wales, Northern Ireland Procurator Fiscal Scotland. SIM mandate ensure recovered from scene dignified manner whilst ensuring integrity evidence, identified speedily possible using ethical means kept informed throughout (Black, Walker, Hackman Brooks 2010: 75). Human ‘holding area’ while concerned brought or some asked wait home visited law enforcement officials.5 Along initial work carried mortuary, officers deploy gather kinship suspected victim(s) child sibling. Friends relatives reported their loved ones missing through specific phone line online portal, incident themselves, related person recovery site information next-of-kin details contained within wallet stored mobile elicit clues. Anyone tasked liaison responsibility normally partners complete lengthy form, personal about person.6 procedure which ‘ante-mortem harvest’, which, because nature lack return questioners, controversial amongst (Edkins 2008; 2019). Traditionally, ante-mortem data, matched post-mortem data fingerprints dental records generated table,7 taken form ‘identification commission’ made up Coroner/Procurator Fiscal, specialists, chiefs, formalize confirmation identities. shaped public inquiries, inquests, scandals followed problematic UK disasters (Black al. 2010; Easthope 2017a; Edkins Eyre Dix 2014). Of particular importance Lord Clarke's Public inquiry into victims following transport accidents (Clarke 2001). report sinking Marchioness pleasure boat River Thames, killed fifty-one people August 1989,8 improvements were adopted coroners, personnel. urged review, new guidance, training programme responders Her Majesty's Coroners, recommendations enacted early 2000s responders. However, was not last British scandal, mistreatment bereaved during frequent target advocacy groups Disaster Action (Eyre 2002; Fieldwork Lac-Mégantic, fatal fire. Visits town, places had sites holding area centre. Interviews families, local government team, scientists, health teams. Montréal laboratories observe/interview police, specifically anthropologist. New York. visits Office Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) responded 2001. 9/11 museum other city. These provided confirmatory facility Lac-Mégantic completed shortly before my arrival. Ethnographic mass fatality, Exercise Unified Response (EUR), Kent, March 2016. European Commission-funded exercise involving eight nationalities. over 300 scenario. fatality exercises, MegaDeath Heartland, Ohio, May 2017, FBI, National Guard, US Military, federal- state-level response teams (DMORT, OMORT9), Ohio private contractors. Prior 2014, development technology undertaken Washington, D.C., hearings Institute Science Technology's Commission Forensic relating issues identification, attended.10 Data workshops range interested participants, lawyers, religious leaders, designed themes. On 6 July 2013, unmanned train carrying crude oil derailed exploded community killing forty-seven men, women, children, destroying homes, shops, restaurants town Attempts confirm quickly underway. Key roles here played small pathologists anthropologists under direction coroners. immediately realized rail presented very rare opportunity study latest uses situated, geographically bounded believed most originated from. awarded urgent grant Economic Social Research Council allow begin. used autoethnography define methodology this, rather than ethnography alone, disentangle incorporate role play since huge impact aspects like gatekeeping.11 study, aimed order, document, understand lessons learned recent exercises make studies (STS) developing approach observing (Easthope 2018). undertaking studies, pay close attention everyday tiniest parts practice, placement rib bone skeletal structure. odds practice traditionally assessed reviewed generalized terms policy relies shared technologies. mobilization dozens investigators, objects, checklists specialized equipment paper-based electronic are, contend, connect objects personhood name. Building STS expanded definition include artefacts ‘whose purpose produce changes behaviour’ (Pinch, Ashmore Mulkay 1992: 266), ethnographically observed they expertise ‘scientifically’. final analysed set interpretative methodologies. son, part son … don't care if notify long live. bestows (Toom 2016; Wagner 2008). Until moment uncertainty unidentified requiring name association. remedy years, As transformed conflict (see 2008 discussion), resulted calls reassurance avenues being just contemporary dead, previous conflicts. appeared growing intolerance linking sense without certain knowledge able rest (Van Veeren 2009). motivation behind multitude programmes ‘bring home’12 war soldiers wherever possible.13 discomfort soldier wealth state non-state organizations aim. At panacea match: ultimate way get place ‘certainty’. now DVI, utilization promises made. Analysis fifteen global socio-technical 1992 2005 captured burgeoning enthusiasm what initially novel developed mainstream practitioner, each successive in, saw understanding aftermath death. Comparing advancements chronology 1990s-2000s shows 1996 certified Academy reliable evidence. From point on, significantly impacted upon protocol fragmented result high-impact incident. Fragmentation common feature crashes explosions. Put simply, types disaster, test, even relatively low toll 2012; 2014; Mundorff, Bartelink Mar-Cash 2009).14 A watershed quest analysis America 2001, purposes fully embraced. Tests tissue, animal found later building materials material appearance (Blau Briggs 2011). grown popularity identifier, obvious turned making faster transportable below). evolved Rapid programme.15 Development actively supported financed Department Homeland Security Defence grants decade. Emphasis speed profile size/portability equipment. Final figures cost per time research, described contractors considerably cheaper full laboratory-generated profile, traditional kits crime alternative laboratory closely linked ongoing governmental standardization Federal Emergency Management Agency help procurement emergency planners. core trialled numerous around States. applications border control (i.e. airport, port, crossing station), military deployments, ‘booking stations’ arrests. Fellow participants evaluators, setting, agencies. evaluate potential future migrant detention centres; something (Silva caused concern disquiet rights infringements refreshment break times never overtly addressed formal presentations. application setting machine near to, another location centre believe Such statutory requirement transportation so routinely established. would generate profiles 90-110 minutes draw together matches. systems ‘non-technical users’ genetic scientists), case meant liaison-trained OMORT workers took buccal (inner-cheek) swabs. mortuaries, samples extracted specially trained worked architects programme. machines no bigger table-top office photocopier sit gurney trestle sample collection bottles. They travel protective metal case, ‘selling points’ robust, do need totally level surface, survive 4-inch drop liquid spill outer surface (as demonstrated field enthusiastic observer spilt his coffee machine). Generally, involve one-use capillaries reduce contamination risk. Their overseen same standards committees managed DHS Technology Capabilities Support Group. watched greeted overt majority personnel, settings.16 engineering fielded limits efficacy Scientists observers great emphasis 90-minute timescale yielding result, arguing ‘transformative’ planning response. comparison, fieldwork, simulated deep muscle EUR full-scale senior pathologists. ‘exercise play’ rubber.17 therefore ‘real-time’ tested here. collected removed processed accredited results taking several days potentially longer entered comparison process. clear see why portable accessible desirable. interest note Kingdom national service contracts market highly lucrative. rhetoric quicker dental) only deliver ‘you’ (the coroner medical examiner) ‘need’. settings, strong further ‘benefits’ Commercial providers emphasize point’ much ensures ‘commingling’ between remains.18 Contractors stated basic right19 one's received funeral, present, however might be, guarantee this. argued acceptable provide larger fragments individual, essential continue pieces perpetuity, small. ‘Commingling’ areas struggle find words explain priorities moments plane shopping mall struck. almost too painful contemplate conversation ‘entangled’ person. But closed doors response, issue commingling preoccupation Mundorff frequently underpins procure important ‘contamination’ offered commercial does extend tissues graphically describes vapour-like ‘pink mist’ testing, therefore, extremely expensive, lengthy, and, indeed, open-ended Once again, appear watershed. Promises ‘hijacker’ returned 9/11, replicated occasions world suicide bombings.20 extended ‘perpetrator’ kind coffin. concept problematic, example, pilot deliberately flown craft terrain. Where occurred date, prosecutors resisted perspective faith leaders support relatives. presenting aspect expressed separation provoked interest, questioning how far cleanliness would, indeed could, go. Would extend, tiny wreckage offending could perceived perpetrator? Some delegates raised concerns allure ‘a clean coffin’ secularized, science-focused, obsession should countered open debate, anthropological theological lens, perpetual Others reflected fears agencies engage groups, Orthodox Judaism Islam, concerning difficult challenges turn, interfere necessary burial rites. workshops, insight gave examples priests similar bombings Ireland, 1980s 1990s, predominantly perpetrated Irish Republican Army (IRA). IRA did bombing tactics, explosions occured tissue combined always Delegates years experience cite question mingling request burying ones, grieving long-standing societal one. emphasized new, past reliance comforts religion society deal differently issue. mother person's buried them, reassure difference God. doubt, ambiguous staple traumatic loss. Before situations communication circumstances leadership ceremonies, well efforts separate individuals effectively possible. Except instances methods applied, world, commonly DNA. not, single deaths procurators fiscal, funeral directors, officers, ‘contaminated’ waste perpetrator homicide assault. Why you anything can, it? We going 100 cent certainty. US-based interviews OCME York, intolerability, uncertainty. practical terms, (and mausoleum museum) thousands small, occasionally quite large, despite impossibility obtaining them current hope day profiled associated tacit promise answer. mean suspended limbo endure five, eight, eleven different contacts discovery ‘new parts’ ‘no end’ (McGinty 2011; paperwork York scenarios demonstrates ‘perpetual’ (1) (2) residual anybody else leads engagement awaiting ‘multiple knocks door’, vividly Victor (2016) reformed choose start end continually process, opt altogether. Versions release adapted Kingdom.21 No notification stages (which 26 opted for). Notification reception 42 selected). (chosen 32 families). Families right change minds regarding fact so) until interment ossuary deployment Québec meetings, coroners added, importantly communicated explained standard reasonable, ‘promising possible’ (interview notes, 2015). Your occupied whether didn't stop think should. post noted. Here resistant designing strat

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1359-0987', '1467-9655']